The Third Edition of Steve Album's Checklist of Islamic Coins was completed in October 2011, and is now available for sale! The book is the standard reference for Islamic coin collectors. To purchase a copy of Steve Album's Checklist of Islamic Coins:
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1 Book - $35
2-4 Books - $50
5-8 Books - $100
68 Pages, ±3200 Listings, No Plates
Numbered list of coin-issuing Islamic rulers
from c.652 to c.1890 by denomination and often by type.
Brief introduction to Islamic coin collecting & short
notes on coinage and standard references throughout.
Bibliography with much background information. Six-level rarity
guide. Includes North Africa, the Middle East, Anatolia & the
Caucasus, and Central Asia. Does not include India &
152 Pages, ±4500 Listings, No Plates
Numbered list of coin-issuing Islamic rulers from c.652 to c.1890 by denomination and often by type. Brief introduction to Islamic coin collecting & short notes on coinage and standard references throughout. Bibliography with much background information. Six-level rarity guide. Includes North Africa, the Middle East, Anatolia & the Caucasus, and Central Asia. Does not include India & eastward.
324 Pages, ±6000 listings, No Plates
Numbered list of coin-issuing Islamic rulers from c.652 to c.1890 by
denomination and often by type. Brief introduction to Islamic coin
collecting & short notes on coinage and standard references throughout.
Bibliography with much background information. Six-level rarity guide.
Includes North Africa, the Middle East, Anatolia & the Caucasus, and Central Asia
American Numismatic Association
American Numismatic Society
Oriental Numismatic Society
California State Numismatic Association
Royal Numismatic Society
International Association of Professional Numismatists
Mumbai Coin Society
Florida United Numismatists
Royal Canadian Numismatic Association